
📌 DiGiTOOL at the #ErasmusScientificDays2022 of Marrakech! 🇪🇺🇲🇦

👉 The Erasmus Scientific Days 2022 – Cooperation and Research for Higher Education and Innovation have been held in Morocco, at the University Cadi Ayyad Convention Center, on the last 17 and 18 October.

👉 Dzintra Atstaja, Professor, Expert of Sustainability, Economics and business at the BA School of Business and Finance 🇱🇻 Banku Augstskola, coordinator of DiGiTOOL, presented the paper: “Developing E-learning course “Circular Economy” in the Study process and Adult Education”.

👉 More at

♻️ Digitool is an Erasmus+ project, focused on the topics of #Digitalization, and #CircularEconomy helping HEI to implement digital education solutions into their curricula

💻 The project will develop an innovative, asymmetrical online course on Circular Economy //Green Business theme and it will strive to improve digital pedagogical competences of educators, enabling them to deliver high quality interactive digital education



🇱🇻 Banku Augstskola

🇦🇱 Canadian Institute of Technology – CIT

🇮🇹 Fondazione Bruno Kessler – FBK

🇱🇻 ArtSmart

🇱🇹 Entrepreneurship Institute (ENTRI)

🇵🇹 Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal

Erasmus Morocco

#erasmusplus #highereducation #circulareconomy