

👉 We are really happy to share the 3rd and last newsletter of the Erasmus+ Digitool Project “Inclusive Digital Education – a Tool to Understand Circular Economy” 🌿

👉 Digitool focuses on the topics of Circular Economy and circular business models and will help HEI to implement digital education solutions into their curricula 🌾

👉 In this newsletter you will find:

▶️ The results of the last TPM in Setubal, Portugal, where the Consortium discussed future opportunities and the results of DiGiTOOL.

▶️ Intellectual Output #1. #2, #3, #4, #5, #6


Topics that are be covered by this study module (not limited to):

  • The characteristics and existing practices of the Circular economy
  • The historical development and bases of the CE
  • Key concepts and main principles related to the CE
  • Differences between the circular and a linear economy
  • Multi-level dimension of the CE (global, macro, meso and micro
    level of CE)
  • Key Product value chains


Topics that are covered by this study module (not limited to):

  • Single use of products vs durable products for multiple use,
  • Purchase of the functionality instead of ownership of products,
  • Understanding of product – service systems and appropriate service
  • Sharing economy as the CE model to reduce individual consumption,
  • Re-use of the products and other CE principles in households in order to extend the product life cycle


Topics that are covered by this study module (not limited to):

  • The history of the concept of the responsible production or
  • Relationship between CE and corporate social responsibility
  • CE “R” principles – from 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) to 12R and more Rs
  • Life cycle approach
  • The balance between environmental values, quality, cost-efficiency in
    the development and design of product
  • Ecodesign and its relation to the CE
  • Bioeconomy, green economy and other economies related to the CE*
    Benefits of the CE for companies


Topics that are covered by this study module (not limited to):

  • Waste management system and circular innovations in waste management practices
  • Trends, statistics and main indicators regarding waste collection, treatment and recycling
  • Sorting the waste
  • Sustainability of waste landfills
  • Main actors and stakeholders involved in the waste management system


Topics that are covered by this study module (not limited to):

  • Sustainable business models versus circular business models
  • Various classifications of circular business models
  • Main characteristics and elements of circular business models
  • Circular value creation, proposition and capturing
  • User centred approach and use of the design thinking methods for
    developing customer prototypes and value proposition


DiGi MENTOR shall be used as the handbook for any interested educational institution, individual lecturer or trainer willing further exploit this study course for developing a similar asymmetric online course for HEI, e.g. DiGiTOOL_to_Marketing, DiGiTOOL_to_Business plan, etc).
This tutorial it self will be as an e-learning module and will strive to improve digital pedagogical competences of educators, enabling them to deliver high quality interactive digital education. In development of this tutorial, partners will take into account all the experience they will have while developing e-learning modules for CE course

▶️ Our presence online Website, Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin Find all the details in the newsletter!

with: 🇱🇻 Banku augstskola 🇦🇱 Canadian Institute of Technology 🇮🇹 Fondazione Bruno Kessler 🇱🇻 ArtSmart 🇱🇹 Entrepreneurship Institute – ENTRI 🇵🇹 Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal Find more info on our website at


📌 Digital Twins and the Circular Economy: Bridging the Gap Between Design and Sustainability 🧩♻

👉 Digitalization and the circular economy are converging to transform the way we create, use, and dispose of products. One specific aspect of this union is the implementation of digital twins, virtual replicas of physical products, processes, or systems. By leveraging digital twins, industries can optimize resource usage, minimize waste, and enhance product life cycles – all essential components of a circular economy. 💻 Digital twins, powered by the Internet of Things (IoT), sensors, and data analytics, offer an unprecedented level of insight into product performance, maintenance needs, and end-of-life management. This technology is reshaping how businesses approach product design, manufacturing, and waste management by bridging the gap between design and sustainability. ♻️ Digitool is an Erasmus+ project, focused on the topics of #Digitalization, and #CircularEconomy helping HEI to implement digital education solutions into their curricula 💻 The project will develop an innovative, asymmetrical online course on Circular Economy //Green Business theme and it will strive to improve digital pedagogical competences of educators, enabling them to deliver high quality interactive digital education ⬇️⬇️⬇️ with: 🇱🇻 Banku augstskola 🇦🇱 Canadian Institute of Technology 🇮🇹 Fondazione Bruno Kessler 🇱🇻 ArtSmart 🇱🇹 Entrepreneurship Institute – ENTRI 🇵🇹 Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal


📌 Digitalization and the Circular Economy: Transforming Waste Management through IoT Technologies ♻

👉 As we continue to face the pressing challenges of climate change and resource scarcity, the circular economy has emerged as a promising solution to foster sustainable development. At its core, the circular economy aims to minimize waste and make the most of our resources by promoting a closed-loop system, where waste is transformed into new products and materials. A key enabler of this transition is the rapid advancement in digitalization, which has unlocked new opportunities for managing waste and optimizing resource use. One specific aspect of digitalization that is revolutionizing the circular economy is the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in waste management.
💻 IoT technologies have the potential to dramatically improve waste management by optimizing collection, sorting, and processing methods. By integrating sensors, smart devices, and data analytics, IoT can help stakeholders monitor and manage waste more effectively, reducing the environmental impact and increasing the efficiency of waste management systems.
♻️ Digitool is an Erasmus+ project, focused on the topics of #Digitalization, and #CircularEconomy helping HEI to implement digital education solutions into their curricula
💻 The project will develop an innovative, asymmetrical online course on Circular Economy //Green Business theme and it will strive to improve digital pedagogical competences of educators, enabling them to deliver high quality interactive digital education
with:🇱🇻 Banku augstskola 🇦🇱 Canadian Institute of Technology🇮🇹 Fondazione Bruno Kessler 🇱🇻 ArtSmart 🇱🇹 Entrepreneurship Institute – ENTRI🇵🇹 Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal


Digital technology: The backbone of a net-zero emissions future

📌 Digital technology: The backbone of a net-zero emissions future ♻🌿💻👉 “The urgency of the global transition to a net-zero economy, focused on solutions that enable the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, cannot be overstated. As both the engine of global economic growth and substantial emissions generator, industry has a unique responsibility and opportunity to lead this process. And while the energy and petrochemicals sectors have understandably been a central focus of these efforts, decarbonization is essential across all industries. […] Digital technologies will be key to the net-zero transition. They enable decarbonization with their ability to process more data more effectively, identify problems faster, and test solutions virtually. Energy-intensive systems will increasingly find efficiency gains from digital and Web3 technologies such as cloud and edge computing, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), internet of things (IoT) sensors, and blockchain technology.” 👉 More info here:♻️ Digitool is an Erasmus+ project, focused on the topics of #Digitalization, and #CircularEconomy helping HEI to implement digital education solutions into their curricula 💻 The project will develop an innovative, asymmetrical online course on Circular Economy //Green Business theme and it will strive to improve digital pedagogical competences of educators, enabling them to deliver high quality interactive digital education with: 🇱🇻 Banku augstskola 🇦🇱 Canadian Institute of Technology 🇮🇹 Fondazione Bruno Kessler 🇱🇻 ArtSmart 🇱🇹 Entrepreneurship Institute – ENTRI 🇵🇹 Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal


📌 Discover the Circular Economy & Sustainable Businesses Panel Discussion at this year’s EU-Startups Summit ♻🌿

👉 “The EU-Startups Summit is a space for different players in the startup ecosystem to come together, share ideas and explore the trends that are shaping the future of society and tech development. That’s why, this year, we’ve put together a very special Panel Discussion that’ll dive into the circular economy and creating sustainable businesses, featuring leading Euroepan voices, entrepreneurs, and investors in this space. The circular economy is regarded as a critical part of creating a greener Europe and achieving climate goals. The circular economy rests on three principles: eliminating waste and pollution, circulating products and materials and the regeneration of nature. It aims to encourage a culture of sharing and reusing by making products last longer and also saving consumers money at the same time.” 👉 More info here: ♻️ Digitool is an Erasmus+ project, focused on the topics of #Digitalization, and #CircularEconomy helping HEI to implement digital education solutions into their curricula 💻 The project will develop an innovative, asymmetrical online course on Circular Economy //Green Business theme and it will strive to improve digital pedagogical competences of educators, enabling them to deliver high quality interactive digital education ⬇️⬇️⬇️ with: 🇱🇻 Banku augstskola 🇦🇱 Canadian Institute of Technology 🇮🇹 Fondazione Bruno Kessler 🇱🇻 ArtSmart 🇱🇹 Entrepreneurship Institute – ENTRI 🇵🇹 Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal


📌 Seizing the momentum to build resilience for a future of sustainable inclusive growth ♻🌿

👉 Facing a world of continuous, overlapping disruptions, leaders are recognizing resilience as the imperative condition for securing a sustainable, inclusive future. At the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos in May 2022, government, business, and non­profit leaders came together resolutely around this theme. Amid severe climate events, a still-smoldering pandemic and a tragic war in Europe, we launched the Resilience Consortium. The consortium is a catalyst for coordinating public- and private-sector efforts to build and strengthen resilience. Leading organizations have joined the consortium steering committee, which is supported by the World Economic Forum and McKinsey & Company.”
👉 More info here:
♻️ Digitool is an Erasmus+ project, focused on the topics of #Digitalization, and #CircularEconomy helping HEI to implement digital education solutions into their curricula
💻 The project will develop an innovative, asymmetrical online course on Circular Economy //Green Business theme and it will strive to improve digital pedagogical competences of educators, enabling them to deliver high quality interactive digital education ⬇️⬇️⬇️ with: 🇱🇻 Banku augstskola 🇦🇱 Canadian Institute of Technology 🇮🇹 Fondazione Bruno Kessler 🇱🇻 ArtSmart 🇱🇹 Entrepreneurship Institute – ENTRI 🇵🇹 Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal


📌 What is the Focus Group ICT Sustainability 📱🌻

👉 Small and medium enterprises and startups in the ICT sector are driving Europe’s transition to a green and digital economy. The new Focus Group ICT Sustainability will give them strong representation on the EU level and unleash their facilitating work for sustainability-related initiatives.

👉 Members are: – Digital enablers that provide technology solutions and services to drive ICT Sustainability. – They provide green & digital products and services: ICT hardware & software, but also vertical sectors: biofuels, digital fabrication, e-learning, agritech and many more.

👉 More here on the European Digital SME Alliance 🇪🇺 ♻️ Digitool is an Erasmus+ project, focused on the topics of #Digitalization, and #CircularEconomy helping HEI to implement digital education solutions into their curricula

💻 The project will develop an innovative, asymmetrical online course on Circular Economy //Green Business theme and it will strive to improve digital pedagogical competences of educators, enabling them to deliver high quality interactive digital education ⬇️⬇️⬇️

with: 🇱🇻 Banku augstskola 🇦🇱 Canadian Institute of Technology 🇮🇹 Fondazione Bruno Kessler 🇱🇻 ArtSmart 🇱🇹 Entrepreneurship Institute – ENTRI 🇵🇹 Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal


📌 #DigitalTechnology and #environment 📱🌻

👉 Digital technologies are playing an increasingly important role in the monitoring and management of natural resources. With the use of sensors, drones, and satellite imagery, it is now possible to collect vast amounts of data about the state of our forests, oceans, and other natural resources.

👉 One of the key benefits of using digital technologies for natural resource management is that it allows for real-time monitoring of conditions on the ground. This means that resource managers can quickly identify and respond to issues such as illegal logging, overfishing, and pollution.

👉 Another benefit is that digital technologies can help to improve the accuracy and completeness of data collection. For example, drones can be used to survey large areas of forest or ocean quickly and accurately, while satellite imagery can be used to monitor changes in land use over time.

👉 Digital technologies also provide new ways to visualize and analyze data, making it easier to identify patterns and trends. This allows resource managers to make more informed decisions about how to manage resources in a sustainable way.

👉 More info in this scientific article

♻️ Digitool is an Erasmus+ project, focused on the topics of #Digitalization, and #CircularEconomy helping HEI to implement digital education solutions into their curricula

💻 The project will develop an innovative, asymmetrical online course on Circular Economy //Green Business theme and it will strive to improve digital pedagogical competences of educators, enabling them to deliver high quality interactive digital education



🇱🇻 Banku Augstskola

🇦🇱 Canadian Institute of Technology – CIT

🇮🇹 Fondazione Bruno Kessler – FBK

🇱🇻 ArtSmart

🇱🇹 Entrepreneurship Institute (ENTRI)

🇵🇹 Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal


📌 In a fragmented world, it’s technology that brings us together 💻📱

⚙️ “Today’s world is characterised by economic and non-economic disruptions that are deeply intertwined: volatile markets, inflation, geopolitical tensions and war, the energy crisis, and climate change. No one business, government or society can tackle challenges on this scale alone. To reunite our fragmented world, we must change – both within our own four walls and beyond – and technology plays a key role in this.” 👉 Today we want to share this inspiring content by the World Economic Forum ♻️ Digitool is an Erasmus+ project, focused on the topics of #Digitalization, and #CircularEconomy helping HEI to implement digital education solutions into their curricula 💻 The project will develop an innovative, asymmetrical online course on Circular Economy //Green Business theme and it will strive to improve digital pedagogical competences of educators, enabling them to deliver high quality interactive digital education ⬇️⬇️⬇️ with: 🇱🇻 Banku augstskola 🇦🇱 Canadian Institute of Technology 🇮🇹 Fondazione Bruno Kessler 🇱🇻 ArtSmart 🇱🇹 Entrepreneurship Institute – ENTRI 🇵🇹 Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal


📌 Digital transformation trends in 2023 💻📱🎆

“Considering how much has happened in the world of digital transformation over the past few years, it is not a leap to think that the next 12 months will also bring their fair share of technological advancements. With the pandemic having fundamentally changed the way that many of us work, we will continue to see the evolution of solutions specially designed to empower teams to choose where they work from, without causing undue harm to operational efficiency.”

👉 For the last post of December and 2023, we want to share this article about digital transformation trends of 2023 💫

♻️ Digitool is an Erasmus+ project, focused on the topics of #Digitalization, and #CircularEconomy helping HEI to implement digital education solutions into their curricula

💻 The project will develop an innovative, asymmetrical online course on Circular Economy //Green Business theme and it will strive to improve digital pedagogical competences of educators, enabling them to deliver high quality interactive digital education

🇱🇻 Banku augstskola
🇦🇱 Canadian Institute of Technology
🇮🇹 Fondazione Bruno Kessler
🇱🇻 ArtSmart
🇱🇹 Entrepreneurship Institute – ENTRI
🇵🇹 Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal

Wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2023! ✨