👉 We are really happy to share the 3rd and last newsletter of the Erasmus+ Digitool Project “Inclusive Digital Education – a Tool to Understand Circular Economy” 🌿
👉 Digitool focuses on the topics of Circular Economy and circular business models and will help HEI to implement digital education solutions into their curricula 🌾
👉 In this newsletter you will find:
▶️ The results of the last TPM in Setubal, Portugal, where the Consortium discussed future opportunities and the results of DiGiTOOL.
▶️ Intellectual Output #1. #2, #3, #4, #5, #6
Topics that are be covered by this study module (not limited to):
- The characteristics and existing practices of the Circular economy
(CE) - The historical development and bases of the CE
- Key concepts and main principles related to the CE
- Differences between the circular and a linear economy
- Multi-level dimension of the CE (global, macro, meso and micro
level of CE) - Key Product value chains
Topics that are covered by this study module (not limited to):
- Single use of products vs durable products for multiple use,
- Purchase of the functionality instead of ownership of products,
- Understanding of product – service systems and appropriate service
design - Sharing economy as the CE model to reduce individual consumption,
- Re-use of the products and other CE principles in households in order to extend the product life cycle
Topics that are covered by this study module (not limited to):
- The history of the concept of the responsible production or
manufacturing - Relationship between CE and corporate social responsibility
- CE “R” principles – from 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) to 12R and more Rs
- Life cycle approach
- The balance between environmental values, quality, cost-efficiency in
the development and design of product - Ecodesign and its relation to the CE
- Bioeconomy, green economy and other economies related to the CE*
Benefits of the CE for companies
Topics that are covered by this study module (not limited to):
- Waste management system and circular innovations in waste management practices
- Trends, statistics and main indicators regarding waste collection, treatment and recycling
- Sorting the waste
- Sustainability of waste landfills
- Main actors and stakeholders involved in the waste management system
Topics that are covered by this study module (not limited to):
- Sustainable business models versus circular business models
- Various classifications of circular business models
- Main characteristics and elements of circular business models
- Circular value creation, proposition and capturing
- User centred approach and use of the design thinking methods for
developing customer prototypes and value proposition
DiGi MENTOR shall be used as the handbook for any interested educational institution, individual lecturer or trainer willing further exploit this study course for developing a similar asymmetric online course for HEI, e.g. DiGiTOOL_to_Marketing, DiGiTOOL_to_Business plan, etc).
This tutorial it self will be as an e-learning module and will strive to improve digital pedagogical competences of educators, enabling them to deliver high quality interactive digital education. In development of this tutorial, partners will take into account all the experience they will have while developing e-learning modules for CE course
▶️ Our presence online Website, Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin Find all the details in the newsletter!
with: 🇱🇻 Banku augstskola 🇦🇱 Canadian Institute of Technology 🇮🇹 Fondazione Bruno Kessler 🇱🇻 ArtSmart 🇱🇹 Entrepreneurship Institute – ENTRI 🇵🇹 Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal Find more info on our website at https://digitooltoce.ba.lv/