“Recent extreme weather events are a painful reminder of the urgent need for climate action. Energy security concerns have also increased the need for change. We have less than a decade to cut emissions in half to stay on track with the 1.5°C warming threshold of the Paris Agreement. Last year at the COP26 Glasgow climate summit nearly 200 countries agreed to strengthen their climate targets. There’s a need to move very rapidly on implementation, which increasingly makes economic sense.”
Today we want to share this article from Tech.EU https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/09/trade-technologies-climate-action/
Digitool is an Erasmus+ project, focused on the topics of #Digitalization, and #CircularEconomy helping HEI to implement digital education solutions into their curricula
The project will develop an innovative, asymmetrical online course on Circular Economy //Green Business theme and it will strive to improve digital pedagogical competences of educators, enabling them to deliver high quality interactive digital education
with: Banku augstskola
Canadian Institute of Technology
Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Entrepreneurship Institute – ENTRI
Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal